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Erika Hawley Helfer, FNTP

Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner. Body, Health, & Self Advocacy Educator.
Forever student. Endlessly curious about the “WHY” behind our human experience.


I have a (not-so) mild obsession with tools of self-understanding and a very real mission of helping others to reconnect with their body, their inner truth, and remind them of just how powerful they are.


I know that if you’re here, you are seeking meaningful answers: tired of feeling out of balance, out of control, and unheard. I’ve been there too. It led to me taking full control: doing all of the research, fighting to advocate for my body & my health, and feeling very overwhelmed & alone trying to integrate it all by myself.


Evolve Co is an answer to that struggle: the ecosystem that so many of us desperately needs in times of our own evolution. With our values as our compass: Self Discovery, Sovereignty, Truth-seeking, & Alchemy, we invite you to take loving & responsible ownership of your health and your life.


We are here to do things differently. To be disruptors to a system that, frankly, doesn’t work.


The Evolve Co network was born from an act of pure rebellion: to put the power back in YOUR hands. Our mission is to provide clients with centralized information to help guide and ease their process in working with practitioners, access to varieties of tools & modalities to sample all in one place, and allow for collaboration between trusted providers on your health plan. This is your space to connect with likeminded humans who are pursuing a more meaningful & integrated experience as they navigate their own health & wellbeing.

Interested in working with Erika?


FUN things to know about Erika:

- Certified in Muscle Testing (Level 2) for 1:1 virtual or in-person clients. A fun tool to listen to they body’s feedback about bioindividual barriers & nutrient needs.

- Astrology big 3: SUN- Aries, MOON- Scorpio, RISING: Capricorn; A big fan of astrology to navigate energy cycles and relationships.

- Human Design: an Emotional MANIFESTOR with a ⅓ profile & shores environment. Translation: My energy is meant to be BIG, transforming, expansive, and initiating. I bring life & words to deep underlying currents of energy (sometimes in the form of emotions) that want to be brought to the surface. I am a DEEP investigator on subjects of interest and love to explore or experiment with them in my life and work; being a resource to others with this knowledge is a crucial mission! I LOVE to live on the boundary line, straddling multiple “worlds” or topics. I like to be taken (and bring others) to new concepts, places, tools, ways of understanding. Areas of personal & professional study I bring into mentorship & client work:

  • Nutritional Therapy

  • Root-cause/Foundational medicine - aka trusting the innate healing power & wisdom of your body.

  • Human Design & intuitive/energetic gifts to understand where stagnant energy or living from a place of “not self” is impacting your life & wellbeing.

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