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Change your Fitness or REST?

Written by: Erika Hawley, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Exercise may be one of THE best "good" stressors (or eustress) for the body that exists. However, exercise is STILL stress on the body & adds onto the overall stress "load" the body is handling. Your body will absolutely give you signs & signals when you need to change something up & especially when you need to REST. When your body's stress load (or allostatic load) has been high for a long period of time, your stress response system or HPA Axis will take a huge hit. When someone is experiencing stages of HPA-Axis dysfunction, certain kinds of fitness or movement could be doing more harm than good. This is when REST is definitely best. Below, you'll find a breakdown of the signs & signals to consider slowing down & focus on quality movement over challenging movement. Remember that your HPA Axis & body exist on a spectrum. The more resilient you are to stress, the more prepared your body is for things like HIIT style exercise, power movements, and maximum load.  

Signs & Signals: 

  • Headaches after a workout 

  • Low energy, fatigue, WIPED OUT feeling after a workout or period of activity 

  • Chronic sore muscles that never seem to heal or recover (or really poor recovery from workouts) 

  • Lightheaded/dizziness/vertigo with higher heartrate or heat 

  • Chronically low energy impacting quality of life 

  • Recurring injuries/chronic pain  

If you ever experience a combination of these signals, I would highly recommend readjusting your fitness routine. Something like 2-3 strength training (slow, quality movement) and 2-3 days of zone 2 or long walks per week MAX. No HIIT, no timed workouts or big power movements that demand a lot of the nervous system. This is a major sign that your body needs to be NOURISHED. Doing anything beyond meeting your body where it's at would be asking more than your body can recover from. 


On a final note, if you find yourself in this place it's a great time to slow down & invest your energy wisely. It can be the best time to work with someone to create a personalized program (for fitness & nutrition/supplementation) to help you continue moving forward instead of stuck in stagnant looping patterns or spiraling backward. Let someone help you to create & IMPLEMENT a plan when you're in need. This does not have to be your "new normal" and you absolutely CAN take gentle action to change it. 

This is the perfect time to receive the right support that best suits your need. When you are experiencing this level of HPA-Axis (adrenal) stress, you have many avenues to explore. This simply means: you have options. Let your intuition lead you about what you need most, now: do you need help with your fitness/movement plan? Would it feel more nourishing for you to have a practitioner on your team playing "quarterback" for you, helping to support your nutrition/lifestyle/supplement guidance and overall wellness plan? Sometimes just knowing you have someone else "in it" with you & a space to explore your options, customized to you is the most nourishing thing your nervous system can experience. It can feel like "ahhh, I can rest easy knowing this person has got my back".

There are MANY resources, programs, practitioners, and spaces to dive into to help if you find yourself in this place. You are never broken. You always have options. We are building a network of resources & practitioners here at Evolve Co & would be happy to guide you.

Resources for deeper diving:

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