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Jacqueline Thomas, ND

Board-certified and licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Explorer, Artist


My passion in medicine and life is embracing the physical body as a way to understand the communications of the spirit, so that we can live up to our highest potential with ease. To do this, I call upon my Naturopathic specialties and combine them with my own intuitive gifts to provide a truly unique approach to healing.


Nearly a decade ago, when I embarked on the journey of being a young naturopathic doctor, I was full of bold and attainable dreams for my future with not only my patients, but also the naturopathic profession. I envisioned a standard for healthcare providers that supports them in their work as healers and collaborators while providing a network of colleagues that they can lean upon and learn with, and for my patients to have access to a network of reliable educational support and resources to enhance their healing process. As time moved along, the realities of being a small practice owner became prioritized over these hopes and dreams, but the visions always lingered, making me wonder when or if they’d come to life. 


Fast forward several years to when I met Erika; we developed the type of professional and personal relationship that had me immediately excited when she shared her dream for Evolve Co with me. In my time working as a naturopathic doctor, I encountered people here and there with similar visions and was involved in exciting collaborations, but I never found myself in a position where the depth of these dreams felt like they could manifest as profoundly as they are in collaborating with Erika. In our connection, the true spirit and nature of what I originally set out to do as a young naturopathic doctor has been able to resurface into a tangible reality.


We live in a world where disease is increasing in frequency and complexity, while the information available to address it is increasing exponentially. The overwhelm that comes from integrating this information into a visceral understanding of one’s body is a huge obstacle for many on their healing journey, and even further, figuring out how to distill it into a conversation with one’s healthcare provider ultimately leaves many health issues unaddressed. Evolve Co is here to establish a new paradigm that honors the physical and spiritual nature of what your body is trying to say in illness by giving it a language that alleviates the disconnects that are holding you back from empowered healing.


Interested in working with Dr. Jax?

Dr. Jacqueline’s Specialities:

  • Nutrigenomics

  • Utilization of functional lab work

  • Environmental Detox

  • Infection Recovery

  • Vital Force Assessment and Integration

  • Botanical Medicine

  • Homeopathy and Flower Essences

  • Outside of virtual consultations, Dr. Jacqueline has years of experience in biopuncture injection-based therapies, craniosacral, myofascial release, and visceral manipulation therapy. This experience informs her understanding and ability to communicate with virtual clients in a deeply impactful and intuitive manner.

Fun Facts:

  • Astrology Big 3: SUN- Leo; MOON- Aries, RISING- Sagittarius. Dr. Jacqueline loves to utilize astrology, particularly learning more beyond the Big 3, into her clients’ healing plan.

  • Human Design: I’m a Sacral Manifesting Generator with a ⅓ Profile and Shores Environment. I love to deep dive into the visceral experience of being alive and unpack, understand, and ideally find mastery along the way.

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